
Monday, December 26, 2022

The Return to Sanity

 Insanity has been defined as "doing the same things over and over again, yet expecting differing results". It's time for sanity to return. 

I have been on this journey of health, happiness and prosperity for some time now. I will admit my life has turned for the better, yet in so many areas I still have frustration and less than stellar results. It seems as if every year around this time, I fall ill. I set up lofty sporting goals and then promptly suffer a set-back. So this has to change. I am what some would call a master athlete, so my training has to be different if I am to succeed.

There are changes that I have vowed to make. 

  • I will journal. It will help me gain clarity if I can see what my thought are. Practice gratitude daily.
  • Clean up my diet, eat more leafy vegetables and fruits.
  • Practice more recovery techniques, like foam rolling, yoga and meditation and prayer.
  • Improve the quality of my sleep. Get rid of some of the aches that prevent me from a restful sleep, like my shoulder pain.