
Monday, December 26, 2022

The Return to Sanity

 Insanity has been defined as "doing the same things over and over again, yet expecting differing results". It's time for sanity to return. 

I have been on this journey of health, happiness and prosperity for some time now. I will admit my life has turned for the better, yet in so many areas I still have frustration and less than stellar results. It seems as if every year around this time, I fall ill. I set up lofty sporting goals and then promptly suffer a set-back. So this has to change. I am what some would call a master athlete, so my training has to be different if I am to succeed.

There are changes that I have vowed to make. 

  • I will journal. It will help me gain clarity if I can see what my thought are. Practice gratitude daily.
  • Clean up my diet, eat more leafy vegetables and fruits.
  • Practice more recovery techniques, like foam rolling, yoga and meditation and prayer.
  • Improve the quality of my sleep. Get rid of some of the aches that prevent me from a restful sleep, like my shoulder pain.

Friday, February 19, 2021

My training for Unbound Gravel



I've been having trouble sleeping lately, could be from Covid related stress. I don't know. Decided that I would go to the gym and get a workout in. Warmed up on the treadmill for a mile, them did some leg work. I did some deadlifts today for the 1st time. I plan on keeping up my Tuesday and  Thursday's gym session. I feel like Rocky.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

My training for UNBOUND Gravel-Week 20 Day 2

This is my first blog entry since starting my journey to become a better cyclist. I originally started back in October I signed up for trainer Road started off with their Sweet Spot base building program low volume Sweet Spot bass one sweet spot base 2.

My original equipment was a dumb Trainer and a stages left crank power meter. My initial FTP test with that equipment was 146. Six weeks later I retested and was surprised to see that my FTP had increased to162.I started the sweet spot base 2 with this new FTP. Six weeks later I retest it and to my surprise my FTP was actually lower it was 154. That was sort of demoralizing, But I decided to suck up my pride and based my training on this new FTP. Six weeks later I retested again using their ramp test. My FTP was still lower. This time it was 144. 

Granted somethings have changed such as I was using a direct Drive trainer as opposed to my dumb trainer. That was the main source of my power. I also had ordered a direct drive trainer the Tacx Neo2T. So my new FTP was based on using my new equipment.

Today I had my first true work out after my FTP test and it was tough. I’ve decided to change some things in my training and in my lifestyle. Such as incorporating more body weight strength training such as squats and planks. Incorporating more movement into my day. I have 14 weeks until my unbound Gravel event where I have pledge to ride 200 miles. I must trust the process and that following the program that I’ve signed up for on trainer Road will allow me to successfully complete my event.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Going with the flow

"Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them – that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like." – Lao-Tzu

Yeah that's going with the flow. I knew that today would be my first challenge. My son is getting married today. 'Bout time, but that's another story. See the thing about weddings is that there is always a lot of food and cake. Did I say cake? That has always been a challenge, how do I eat healthy when at a social event or on a date.

I decided that I would count my victories instead of hiccups in my plan. I know that may sound a bit selfish after all this day should be about him and it is. Control those things that I can and go with the flow otherwise.

I stayed true to my 2 main goals that I had set for myself
  • keep on schedule with my running program and 
  • Limit the amount of sweets that I eat. I told you that I love sweets
Going to do that no matter what. So this morning before it got too hot, I ran. Got a cat call along the way, said my legs looked sexy. It was from a couple of my friends who were on their way to bike. I'm really glad that I did run. I love getting out once I leave my front door.

Started my day off with my meal plan for today. Now that part of my routine will change at the wedding, but I will do my best to eat clean.

My plan is to enjoy the rest of the day confident that I will flow just like water.